Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are We Living in a State of Fear?

It would seem that we really are living in a state of fear. The whole Global Warming issue is something that politicians have projected at us as being definitely happening; stuff that is going to affect us very soon. Sea levels are going to rise and destroy Beijing and San Francisco, the polar bears are going to die, seasons are going to become all screwed up, new diseases are going to spring up out of nowhere, people will die!

It’s all huge, end-of-the-world type stuff. They try so hard to make it seem like that if we don’t do something about our planet then we’re pretty much dead. Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ has many of these supposed facts about the sea level rising and creatures dying in itself. The IPCC released a report saying that the glaciers in the Himalayas are going to melt in 25 years, something that, due to the elevation and depth of those monsters, makes actual glaciologists laugh.

We are living in a state of fear. The politicians want to scare us into believing that there really is some bad crap right around the corner, and so far they’ve done a pretty good job on most of the world.

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